Do you operate a webshop? Consumer protection can visit your home!

According to the new law that entered into force on August 22, consumer protection specialists can inspect everywhere from the warehouse to the manufacturer, including private homes.

This is important for our customers because we know how common it is for online stores (especially startups) to carry out their commercial, storage and customer service activities in the owner’s own apartment. Consumer protection can also inspect devices, and the control authority can now extend to the review of labeling and packaging processes as well.

The act was created to protect customers and legally operating online stores, and many abuses can be prevented by it. Everyone is familiar with, for example, the type of advertisement that advertises that e.g. there are only 10 products left in stock, thus urging the customer to make a decision as soon as possible. If the company has provided untrue stock information in this case, it is implementing a commercial practice that may result in a fine of up to two million HUF. Until now, the authority could only request a statement about the exact number of products available in the warehouse, but now anyone can be checked.

If you don’t want your home to be subject to official inspections, entrust us with the stock, which we will take care of storing, labeling, packaging and recording in a completely legal manner from now on!

Click on the request for a quote and find out which of our solutions is best suited to you!

Bízd árukészleted kezelését szakértőkre

Felejtsd el a raktárüzemeltetést, és az azzal járó fix költségeket! Az így spórolt pénzt lehetőséged van marketingre, terjeszkedésre fordítani, valamint a készleteid bővítése is könnyebb lesz.

Vedd fel velünk a kapcsolatot!

InLog & Co Kft. 1112 Budapest, Repülőtéri út 2/B. | +3670 984 2828